Gula R., Bloc H., Duval T., Theuerkauf J. 2020. Unusual blood profiles in the endemic Kagu of New Caledonia are not physiological. Journal of Ornithology [DOI]


Attisano A., Thiel F., Sato N.J., Okahisa Y., Bolopo D., Tanaka K.D., Kuehn R., Gula R., Ueda K., Theuerkauf J. 2019. Breeding biology of the Fan-tailed Gerygone Gerygone flavolateralis in relation to parasitism by the Shining Bronze-cuckoo Chalcites lucidus. Journal of Ornithology 160: 91-103. [DOI]

Grand D., Marinov M., Jourdan H., Cook C., Rouys S., Mille C., Theuerkauf J. 2019. Distribution, habitats, phenology and conservation of New Caledonian Odonata. Zootaxa 4640: 1-112. [DOI]


Attisano A., Sato N.J., Tanaka K.D., Okahisa Y., Kuehn R., Gula R., Ueda K., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Visual discrimination of polymorphic nestlings in a cuckoo-host system. Scientific Reports 8: 10359. [DOI]

Bojarska K., Kuehn R., Gazda M.A., Sato N.J., Okahisa Y., Tanaka K.D., Attisano A., Gula R., Ueda K., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Mating system and extra-pair paternity in the Fan-tailed Gerygone Gerygone flavolateralis in relation to parasitism by the Shining Bronze-cuckoo Chalcites lucidus. PLoS ONE 13: e0194059. [DOI]

Grand D., Marinov M., Cook C., Jourdan H., Rouys S., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Erratum to Odonatologica 43 (3/4): 247-277: Identification key to adult Odonata of New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna. Odonatologica 47: 179-180. [DOI]

Gula R., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Do a priori hypotheses improve the reliability of wildlife research? Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 1565-1567. [DOI]

Masello J.F., Martínez J., Calderón L., Wink M., Quillfeldt P., Sanz V., Theuerkauf J., Ortiz-Catedral L., Berkunsky I., Brunton D., Díaz-Luque J.A., Hauber M.E., Ojeda V., Barnaud A., Casalins L., Jackson B., Mijares A., Rosales R., Seixas G., Serafini P., Silva-Iturriza A., Sipinski E., Vásquez R.A., Widmann P., Widmann I., Merino S. 2018. Can the intake of anti-parasitic secondary metabolites explain the low prevalence of hemoparasites among wild Psittaciformes? Parasites & Vectors 11: 357. [DOI]

Olah G., Theuerkauf J., Legault A., Gula R., Stein J., Butchart S., O'Brien M., Heinsohn R. 2018. Parrots of Oceania - a comparative study of extinction risk. Emu 118: 94-112. [DOI]

Theuerkauf J., Gula R. 2018. Indirect evidence for body size reduction in a flightless island bird after human colonisation. Journal of Ornithology 159: 823-826. [DOI]

Theuerkauf J., Kuehn R., Rouys S., Bloc H., Gula R. 2018. Fraternal polyandry and clannish spatial organisation in a flightless island bird. Current Biology 28: 1482-1488. [DOI]


Theuerkauf, J., V. Chartendrault, F. Desmoulins, N. Barré & R. Gula. 2017. Positive range-abundance relationships in New Caledonian bird communities. Journal of Biogeography 44: 2161-2163. [DOI]

Theuerkauf, J., T. Haneda, Y. Okahisa, N.J. Sato, S. Rouys, H. Bloc, K. Ueda, I. Watanabe, R. Kuehn & R. Gula. 2017. Elevated concentrations of naturally occurring heavy metals inversely correlate with reproductive output and body mass of the Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus. Ibis 159: 580-587. [DOI]


Okahisa, Y., A. Legault, B. Angin, V. Chartendrault, N. Barré, C. de Franceschi, T. Duval, F. Tron, R. Gula & J. Theuerkauf. 2016. Using playback and habitat models to estimate the distribution and population size of the critically endangered Crow Honeyeater (Gymnomyza aubryana) in New Caledonia. Emu 116: 41-47. [abstract]


Gazda, M.A., R. Kuehn, N.J. Sato, K.D. Tanaka, Y. Okahisa, K. Ueda, R. Gula, & J. Theuerkauf. 2015. Establishment of microsatellite markers to assess the mating system of the fan-tailed gerygone (Gerygone flavolateralis) for studying cuckoo-host arms race. Annales Zoologici Fennici 52: 280-284. [pdf]

Krell, F.-T. & J. Theuerkauf. 2015. A new species of the endemic genus Hemicyrthus Reiche (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from New Caledonia, with a revised key. Zootaxa 4048: 281-290. [pdf]

Okahisa, Y., T. Nakahara, N.J. Sato, J. Theuerkauf & K. Ueda. 2015. Puddle use by New Caledonian rainforest birds. Ornithological Science 14: 41-45. [abstract]

Sato, N.J., K.D. Tanaka, Y. Okahisa, M. Yamamichi, R. Kuehn, R. Gula, K. Ueda & J. Theuerkauf. 2015. Nestling polymorphism in a cuckoo-host system. Current Biology 25: R1164-R1165. [abstract]

Theuerkauf, J., T. Haneda, N.J. Sato, K. Ueda, R. Kuehn, R. Gula & I. Watanabe. 2015. Naturally high heavy metal concentrations in feathers of the flightless Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus. Ibis 157: 177-180. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., R. Kuehn, R. Gula, A. Sztencel-Jab³onka, H. Jourdan, A. Taugamoa, D. Labrousse & W. Bogdanowicz. 2015. Invasion history affects genetic structure in island rat populations. Journal of Zoology 295: 197-205. [abstract]


Grand, D., M. Marinov, C. Cook, H. Jourdan, S. Rouys & J. Theuerkauf. 2014. Identification key to adult Odonata of New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna. Odonatologica 43: 247-277. [pdf]

Jackson, B., A. Lorenzo, J. Theuerkauf, A. Barnaud, T. Duval, P. Guichard, H. Bloc, A. Baouma, D. Stainton, S. Kraberger, S. Murphy, N. Clark, C. Dillon, T. Knight & A. Varsani. 2014. Preliminary surveillance for beak and feather disease virus in wild parrots of New Caledonia; implications of a reservoir species for Ouvea Parakeets. Emu 114: 283-289. [abstract]


Barré, N., F. Tron, V. Chartendrault, Y. Okahisa, N. Sato, A. Legault & J. Theuerkauf. 2013. Breeding seasons of landbirds in New Caledonia. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 384-389. [abstract] [article request]

Gula, R. & J. Theuerkauf. 2013. The need for standardization in wildlife science – home range estimators as an example. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 713-718.[pdf]

Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, E. Baby, L. Moutin, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, L. Verfaille, N. Barré, V. Chartendrault & R. Gula. 2013. Standardising distance sampling surveys of parrots in New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology 154: 19-33. [pdf]

Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, V. Chartendrault, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, L. Verfaille, F. Desmoulins, N. Barré & R. Gula. 2013. Using ecological niche models to infer the distribution and population size of parakeets in New Caledonia. Biological Conservation 167: 149-160. [abstract]

Marinov, M., S. Richards & J. Theuerkauf. 2013. Damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) from Mt. Panié and Roches de la Ouaieme region, New Caledonia. Pp. 113-130 in: F.M. Tron, R. Franquet, T.H. Larsen & J.-J. Cassan (eds). A Rapid Biological Assessment of the Mt. Panié and Roches de la Ouaieme region, province Nord, New Caledonia. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 65. Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA. [pdf]

Tanaka, K.D., Y. Okahisa, N.J. Sato, J. Theuerkauf & K. Ueda. 2013. Gourmand New Caledonian crows munch rare escargots by dropping. Journal of Ethology 31: 341-344.[abstract]

Theuerkauf, J., F.M. Tron & R. Franquet. 2013. Evaluation de la répartition des mammiferes exotiques envahissants et leur impact potentiel dans le massif du Panié et les Roches de la Ouaieme, Nouvelle-Calédonie. Pp. 131-138 dans: F.M. Tron, R. Franquet, T.H. Larsen & J.-J. Cassan (eds). Evaluation rapide de la biodiversité du massif du Panié et des Roches de la Ouaieme, province Nord, Nouvelle-Calédonie. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 65. Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., J. Perez, A. Taugamoa, I. Niutoua, D. Labrousse, R. Gula, W. Bogdanowicz, H. Jourdan & C. Goarant. 2013. Leptospirosis risk increases with changes in species composition of rat populations. Naturwissenschaften 100: 385-388. [pdf]


Legault, A.J. 2012. Spatial ecology and conservation of parrots in New Caledonia. PhD thesis, University of Tasmania.

Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys, V. Chartendrault & N. Barré. 2012. Temporal variation in flock size and habitat use of parrots in New Caledonia. Condor 114: 552-563. [pdf]

Stoeckle, B.C., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys, R. Gula, A. Lorenzo, C. Lambert, T. Kaeser & R. Kuehn. 2012. Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) by high-throughput sequencing. Journal of Ornithology 153: 249-253. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., R. Gula, A. Legault, T. Müller, R. Kühn & J. Munzinger. 2012. Ökologie und Bedrohungen zweier Sittiche auf Neukaledonien - Implikationen für den Artenschutz. ZGAP Mitteilungen 28 (1): 26. [pdf]


Legault, A., V. Chartendrault, J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys & N. Barré. 2011. Large-scale habitat selection by parrots in New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology 152: 409-419. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, H. Jourdan & R. Gula. 2011. Efficiency of a new reverse-bait trigger snap trap for invasive rats and a new standardised abundance index. Annales Zoologici Fennici 48: 308-318. [

Theuerkauf, J., T. Müller, A. Barnaud & F. Cugny. 2011. Perruche d'Ouvéa : sa protection entraîne un accroissement notable de population. CEPA Magazine 24: 5-6. [


Barré, N., J. Theuerkauf, L. Verfaille, P. Primot & M. Saoumoé. 2010. Exponential population increase in the endangered Ouvéa Parakeet (Eunymphicus uvaeensis) after community-based protection from nest poaching. Journal of Ornithology 151: 695-701. [
abstract] [article request]

Gula, R., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys & A. Legault. 2010. An audio/video surveillance system for wildlife. European Journal of Wildlife Research 56: 803-807. [abstract] [article request]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & F. Brescia. 2010. Guide photographique d'identification des rongeurs de Nouvelle-Calédonie et Wallis & Futuna. CORE.NC, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., H. Jourdan, S. Rouys, R. Gula, M. Gajewska, K. Unrug & R. Kuehn. 2010. Inventory of alien birds and mammals in the Wallis and Futuna Archipelago. Biological Invasions 12: 2975-2978. [
abstract] [article request]

Theuerkauf, J. & T. Müller. 2010. Schutzmaßnahmen durch die Bevölkerung bewirken einen starken Populationszuwachs des Ouvéa-Sittichs. ZGAP Mitteilungen 26 (2): 30. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & T. Müller. 2010. Die Nahrung der Sittiche Neukaledoniens. Papageien 1/2010: 26-28. [pdf]


Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, J-M. Mériot, R. Gula & R. Kuehn 2009. Cooperative breeding, mate guarding, and nest sharing in two parrot species of New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology 150: 791-797. [abstract] [article request]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, J.M. Mériot & R. Gula. 2009. Group territoriality as a form of cooperative breeding in the flightless kagu of New Caledonia. Auk 126: 371-375. [abstract] [article request]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & T. Müller. 2009. Die Nahrung der Sittiche Neukaledoniens. ZGAP Mitteilungen 25 (1): 16. [pdf]


Rouys, S. 2008. Écologie des rats et leur impact sur le cagou et la perruche a front rouge en foret humide et dans le maquis de Nouvelle-Calédonie. These de doctorat, Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Nouméa, 242 pp.

Rouys, S. & Theuerkauf, J. 2008. Le parc de la Riviere Bleue, refuge privilégié des cagous. Journal Vert 45: 2. [

Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2008. Etude de l'impact des mammiferes introduits et de la perte d'habitat sur les oiseaux endémiques de Nouvelle-Calédonie. CEPA Magazine 18: 13-16. [pdf]


Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & C. Chatreau. 2007. Mortality of radio-tracked wild rats in relation to transmitter weight and resilience of transmitters in relation to their design. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 37: 85-90.[pdf]


Pain, D.J., T.L.F. Martins, M. Boussekey, S.H. Diaz, C.T. Downs, J.M.M. Ekstrom, S. Garnett, J.D. Gilardi, D. McNiven, P. Primot, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, C.T. Symes, S.A. Tamungang, J. Theuerkauf, D. Villafuerte, L. Verfailles, P. Widmann, I.D. Widmann. 2006. Impact of protection on nest take and nesting success of parrots in Africa, Asia and Australasia. Animal Conservation 9: 322-330. [
abstract] [article request]

Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2006. Le danger des especes introduites en milieu insulaire. Correspondances Océaniennes 5 (2): 7-8. [pdf]


Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2005. Neues vom Sittichprojekt in Neukaledonien. ZGAP Mitteilungen 21 (1): 16-17. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2005. The parakeets of New Caledonia: ecology, threats and implications for their conservation. Cyanopsitta 78: 19-20. [pdf]


Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2004. Oiseaux endémiques et mammiferes introduits en Nouvelle-Calédonie. CEPA Magazine 11: 3-5. [pdf]


Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2003. Factors determining the distribution of introduced mammals in nature reserves of the southern province, New Caledonia. Wildlife Research 30: 187-191. [abstract] [article request]

Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2003. Especes introduites : Les "aliens" sont parmi nous ! Journal Vert 37: 8. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2003. Ökologie, Gefährdung und Schutz des Hornsittichs und des Ziegensittichs in Neukaledonien. ZGAP Mitteilungen 19 (2): 20-22. [pdf]


Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2002. Etude de l'impact des mammiferes introduits sur des oiseaux endémiques a la Nouvelle-Calédonie. CEPA Magazine 7: 6-7. [pdf]