Gula R., Bloc H., Duval T., Theuerkauf J. 2020. Unusual blood profiles in the endemic Kagu of New Caledonia are not physiological. Journal of Ornithology
Attisano A., Thiel F., Sato N.J., Okahisa Y., Bolopo D., Tanaka K.D., Kuehn R., Gula R., Ueda K., Theuerkauf J. 2019. Breeding biology of the Fan-tailed Gerygone Gerygone flavolateralis in relation to parasitism by the Shining Bronze-cuckoo Chalcites lucidus. Journal of Ornithology 160: 91-103.
Grand D., Marinov M., Jourdan H., Cook C., Rouys S., Mille C., Theuerkauf J. 2019. Distribution, habitats, phenology and conservation of New Caledonian Odonata. Zootaxa 4640: 1-112.
Attisano A., Sato N.J., Tanaka K.D., Okahisa Y., Kuehn R., Gula R., Ueda K., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Visual discrimination of polymorphic nestlings in a cuckoo-host system. Scientific Reports 8: 10359.
Bojarska K., Kuehn R., Gazda M.A., Sato N.J., Okahisa Y., Tanaka K.D., Attisano A., Gula R., Ueda K., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Mating system and extra-pair paternity in the Fan-tailed Gerygone Gerygone flavolateralis in relation to parasitism by the Shining Bronze-cuckoo Chalcites lucidus. PLoS ONE 13: e0194059.
Grand D., Marinov M., Cook C., Jourdan H., Rouys S., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Erratum to Odonatologica 43 (3/4): 247-277: Identification key to adult Odonata of New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna. Odonatologica 47: 179-180.
Gula R., Theuerkauf J. 2018. Do a priori hypotheses improve the reliability of wildlife research? Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 1565-1567.
Masello J.F., Martínez J., Calderón L., Wink M., Quillfeldt P., Sanz V., Theuerkauf J., Ortiz-Catedral L., Berkunsky I., Brunton D., Díaz-Luque J.A., Hauber M.E., Ojeda V., Barnaud A., Casalins L., Jackson B., Mijares A., Rosales R., Seixas G., Serafini P., Silva-Iturriza A., Sipinski E., Vásquez R.A., Widmann P., Widmann I., Merino S. 2018. Can the intake of anti-parasitic secondary metabolites explain the low prevalence of hemoparasites among wild Psittaciformes? Parasites & Vectors 11: 357.
Olah G., Theuerkauf J., Legault A., Gula R., Stein J., Butchart S., O'Brien M., Heinsohn R. 2018. Parrots of Oceania - a comparative study of extinction risk. Emu 118: 94-112.
Theuerkauf J., Gula R. 2018. Indirect evidence for body size reduction in a flightless island bird after human colonisation. Journal of Ornithology 159: 823-826.
Theuerkauf J., Kuehn R., Rouys S., Bloc H., Gula R. 2018. Fraternal polyandry and clannish spatial organisation in a flightless island bird. Current Biology 28: 1482-1488.
Theuerkauf, J., V. Chartendrault, F. Desmoulins, N. Barré & R. Gula. 2017. Positive range-abundance relationships in New Caledonian bird communities. Journal of Biogeography 44: 2161-2163.
Theuerkauf, J., T. Haneda, Y. Okahisa, N.J. Sato, S. Rouys, H. Bloc, K. Ueda, I. Watanabe, R. Kuehn & R. Gula. 2017. Elevated concentrations of naturally occurring heavy metals inversely correlate with reproductive output and body mass of the Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus. Ibis 159: 580-587.
Okahisa, Y., A. Legault, B. Angin, V. Chartendrault, N. Barré, C. de Franceschi, T. Duval, F. Tron, R. Gula & J. Theuerkauf. 2016. Using playback and habitat models to estimate the distribution and population size of the critically endangered Crow Honeyeater (Gymnomyza aubryana) in New Caledonia. Emu 116: 41-47. [abstract]
Gazda, M.A., R. Kuehn, N.J. Sato, K.D. Tanaka, Y. Okahisa, K. Ueda, R. Gula, & J. Theuerkauf. 2015. Establishment of microsatellite
markers to assess the mating system of the fan-tailed gerygone (Gerygone flavolateralis) for studying cuckoo-host arms race. Annales Zoologici Fennici 52: 280-284. [pdf]
Krell, F.-T. & J. Theuerkauf. 2015. A new species of the endemic genus Hemicyrthus Reiche (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
from New Caledonia, with a revised key. Zootaxa 4048: 281-290. [pdf]
Okahisa, Y., T. Nakahara, N.J. Sato, J. Theuerkauf & K. Ueda. 2015. Puddle use by New Caledonian rainforest birds. Ornithological
Science 14: 41-45. [abstract]
Sato, N.J., K.D. Tanaka, Y. Okahisa, M. Yamamichi, R. Kuehn, R. Gula, K. Ueda & J. Theuerkauf. 2015. Nestling polymorphism in a
cuckoo-host system. Current Biology 25: R1164-R1165. [abstract]
Theuerkauf, J., T. Haneda, N.J. Sato, K. Ueda, R. Kuehn, R. Gula & I. Watanabe. 2015. Naturally high heavy metal concentrations in feathers of the flightless Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus. Ibis 157: 177-180. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., R. Kuehn, R. Gula, A. Sztencel-Jab³onka, H. Jourdan, A. Taugamoa, D. Labrousse & W. Bogdanowicz. 2015. Invasion history affects genetic structure in island rat populations. Journal of Zoology 295: 197-205. [abstract]
Grand, D., M. Marinov, C. Cook, H. Jourdan, S. Rouys & J. Theuerkauf. 2014. Identification key to adult Odonata of New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna. Odonatologica 43: 247-277. [pdf]
Jackson, B., A. Lorenzo, J. Theuerkauf, A. Barnaud, T. Duval, P. Guichard, H. Bloc, A. Baouma, D. Stainton, S. Kraberger, S. Murphy, N. Clark, C. Dillon, T. Knight & A. Varsani. 2014. Preliminary surveillance for beak and feather disease virus in wild parrots of New Caledonia; implications of a reservoir species for Ouvea Parakeets. Emu 114: 283-289. [abstract]
Barré, N., F. Tron, V. Chartendrault, Y. Okahisa, N. Sato, A. Legault & J. Theuerkauf. 2013. Breeding seasons of landbirds in
New Caledonia. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 384-389. [abstract] [article request]
Gula, R. & J. Theuerkauf. 2013. The need for standardization in wildlife science – home range estimators as an example.
European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 713-718.[pdf]
Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, E. Baby, L. Moutin, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, L. Verfaille, N. Barré, V. Chartendrault
& R. Gula. 2013. Standardising distance sampling surveys of parrots in New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology
154: 19-33. [pdf]
Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, V. Chartendrault, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, L. Verfaille, F. Desmoulins, N. Barré & R. Gula. 2013. Using ecological niche models to infer the distribution and population size of
parakeets in New Caledonia. Biological Conservation 167: 149-160. [abstract]
Marinov, M., S. Richards & J. Theuerkauf. 2013. Damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) from Mt. Panié
and Roches de la Ouaieme region, New Caledonia. Pp. 113-130 in: F.M. Tron, R. Franquet, T.H. Larsen & J.-J.
Cassan (eds). A Rapid Biological Assessment of the Mt. Panié and Roches de la Ouaieme region, province Nord,
New Caledonia. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 65. Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA.
Tanaka, K.D., Y. Okahisa, N.J. Sato, J. Theuerkauf & K. Ueda. 2013. Gourmand New Caledonian crows munch
rare escargots by dropping. Journal of Ethology 31: 341-344.[abstract]
Theuerkauf, J., F.M. Tron & R. Franquet. 2013. Evaluation de la répartition des mammiferes exotiques
envahissants et leur impact potentiel dans le massif du Panié et les Roches de la Ouaieme, Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Pp. 131-138 dans: F.M. Tron, R. Franquet, T.H. Larsen & J.-J. Cassan (eds). Evaluation rapide de la biodiversité
du massif du Panié et des Roches de la Ouaieme, province Nord, Nouvelle-Calédonie. RAP Bulletin of
Biological Assessment 65. Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA.
Theuerkauf, J., J. Perez, A. Taugamoa, I. Niutoua, D. Labrousse, R. Gula, W. Bogdanowicz, H. Jourdan
& C. Goarant. 2013. Leptospirosis risk increases with changes in species composition of rat populations.
Naturwissenschaften 100: 385-388. [pdf]
Legault, A.J. 2012. Spatial ecology and conservation of parrots in New Caledonia. PhD thesis, University of Tasmania.
Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys, V. Chartendrault & N. Barré. 2012. Temporal variation in flock size and habitat use of parrots in New Caledonia. Condor 114: 552-563. [pdf]
Stoeckle, B.C., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys, R. Gula, A. Lorenzo, C. Lambert, T. Kaeser & R. Kuehn. 2012. Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) by high-throughput sequencing. Journal of Ornithology 153: 249-253. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., R. Gula, A. Legault, T. Müller, R. Kühn & J. Munzinger. 2012. Ökologie und Bedrohungen zweier Sittiche auf Neukaledonien - Implikationen für den Artenschutz. ZGAP Mitteilungen 28 (1): 26. [pdf]
Legault, A., V. Chartendrault, J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys & N. Barré. 2011. Large-scale habitat selection by parrots in New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology 152: 409-419. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, H. Jourdan & R. Gula. 2011. Efficiency of a new reverse-bait trigger snap trap for invasive rats and a new standardised abundance index. Annales Zoologici Fennici 48: 308-318. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., T. Müller, A. Barnaud & F. Cugny. 2011. Perruche d'Ouvéa : sa protection entraîne un accroissement notable de population. CEPA Magazine 24: 5-6. [pdf]
Barré, N., J. Theuerkauf, L. Verfaille, P. Primot & M. Saoumoé. 2010. Exponential population increase in the endangered Ouvéa Parakeet (Eunymphicus uvaeensis) after community-based protection from nest poaching. Journal of Ornithology 151: 695-701. [abstract] [article request]
Gula, R., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys & A. Legault. 2010. An audio/video surveillance system for wildlife. European Journal of Wildlife Research 56: 803-807. [abstract] [article request]
Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & F. Brescia. 2010. Guide photographique d'identification des rongeurs de Nouvelle-Calédonie et Wallis & Futuna. CORE.NC, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., H. Jourdan, S. Rouys, R. Gula, M. Gajewska, K. Unrug & R. Kuehn. 2010. Inventory of alien birds and mammals in the Wallis and Futuna Archipelago. Biological Invasions 12: 2975-2978. [abstract] [article request]
Theuerkauf, J. & T. Müller. 2010. Schutzmaßnahmen durch die Bevölkerung bewirken einen starken Populationszuwachs des Ouvéa-Sittichs. ZGAP Mitteilungen 26 (2): 30. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & T. Müller. 2010. Die Nahrung der Sittiche Neukaledoniens. Papageien 1/2010: 26-28. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, J-M. Mériot, R. Gula & R. Kuehn 2009. Cooperative breeding, mate guarding, and nest sharing in two parrot
species of New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology 150: 791-797.
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Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, J.M. Mériot & R. Gula. 2009. Group territoriality as a form
of cooperative breeding in the flightless kagu of New Caledonia. Auk 126: 371-375.
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Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & T. Müller. 2009. Die Nahrung der Sittiche Neukaledoniens. ZGAP Mitteilungen 25 (1): 16.
Rouys, S. 2008. Écologie des rats et leur impact sur le cagou et la perruche a front rouge en foret humide et dans le maquis
de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
These de doctorat, Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Nouméa, 242 pp.
Rouys, S. & Theuerkauf, J. 2008. Le parc de la Riviere Bleue, refuge privilégié des cagous. Journal Vert 45: 2.
Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2008. Etude de l'impact des mammiferes introduits et de la perte d'habitat sur les oiseaux endémiques de
Nouvelle-Calédonie. CEPA Magazine 18: 13-16. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys & C. Chatreau. 2007. Mortality of radio-tracked wild rats in relation to transmitter weight and resilience of
transmitters in relation to their design. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 37: 85-90.[pdf]
Pain, D.J., T.L.F. Martins, M. Boussekey, S.H. Diaz, C.T. Downs, J.M.M. Ekstrom, S. Garnett, J.D. Gilardi, D. McNiven, P. Primot, S. Rouys,
M. Saoumoé, C.T. Symes, S.A. Tamungang, J. Theuerkauf, D. Villafuerte, L. Verfailles, P. Widmann, I.D. Widmann. 2006. Impact of protection on
nest take and nesting success of parrots in Africa, Asia and Australasia. Animal Conservation 9: 322-330.
[article request]
Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2006. Le danger des especes introduites en milieu insulaire. Correspondances Océaniennes 5 (2): 7-8.
Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2005. Neues vom Sittichprojekt in Neukaledonien. ZGAP Mitteilungen 21 (1): 16-17.
Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2005. The parakeets of New Caledonia: ecology, threats and implications for their conservation. Cyanopsitta
78: 19-20. [pdf]
Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2004. Oiseaux endémiques et mammiferes introduits en Nouvelle-Calédonie. CEPA Magazine 11: 3-5.
Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2003. Factors determining the distribution of introduced mammals in nature reserves of the southern province,
New Caledonia. Wildlife Research 30: 187-191. [abstract]
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Rouys, S. & J. Theuerkauf. 2003. Especes introduites : Les "aliens" sont parmi nous ! Journal Vert 37: 8.
Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2003. Ökologie, Gefährdung und Schutz des Hornsittichs und des Ziegensittichs in Neukaledonien. ZGAP
Mitteilungen 19 (2): 20-22. [pdf]
Theuerkauf, J. & S. Rouys. 2002. Etude de l'impact des mammiferes introduits sur des oiseaux endémiques a la Nouvelle-Calédonie.
CEPA Magazine 7: 6-7. [pdf]